Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hello everyone,

I have a few quick questions 1. Can you buy Mathmos lava lamps and have them shipped to the US or is their a US dealer? I contacted Mathmos directly and they said no deal. 2. If one were to get a Mathmos lava lamp into the US via a secret submarine or coke mule (seriously the Mathmos rep made it sound like the feds would beat down my door if I even thought of shipping one over) would a 220 to 110 converter work to run the lamp or would I just need to change the internals of the lamp?


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My only concern about checked luggage is the way I sometimes see the handlers chucking it about. 

ChuckM said:

Yeah, I can't imagine they would deny it as checked luggage. When we travel to our relatives in Croatia, we always end up coming back with bottles of wine and Rakia (hard alcohol) in our checked luggage. It isn't a problem if it is checked.

Actually, we had 4 brought back by Kirk's friend.  Two for Kirk, two for me.  He did bring them in his baggage from the UK, two at a time, two different trips.  I doubt those fit in a carry on bag, I'm sure they had to be checked luggage.  
Critter said:

I think you can check them. Kirk recently had two brought back from the UK by a friend it is do-able.
Agree about the handlers though Package handlers here are probably as bad if not worse!

Thankfully, ours made it in perfect shape. 
ChuckM said:

Agree about the handlers though Package handlers here are probably as bad if not worse!

Well, I came on here to ask a similar question. All the lamps I see on EbayUK that I would like to purchase, won't ship to Canada :(

I find it surprising that so many UK seller refuse to ship internationally. Why should they care, I'm willing to pay. 

Also, I'm thinking of buying a plane ticket to UK and stuffing a Lunar in my checked luggage on the way back. Sounds like a great plan. 

LOL A Lunar won't survive being checked luggage. Go there, buy one and ship it to yourself while you visit.

Way to steal my thunder Critter. 

Oooops , sorry 'bout that! But hey a trip to the UK on a Lunar hunt would be soooo fun!
I am thrilled! The hotel will accept a package and Mathmos will ship it to the hotel. They also confirmed the size of an Astro box and replacement lamp box so I can plan my empty suitcase. I will probably get some bulbs too.

For what its worth, an Astro box is 29x19x34cm and a replacement globe box is 34 x 15 x 16cm
When I arrived at my hotel, the box was waiting for me. I had it delivered to my room and voila! I took a photo just in case I never saw them again. I did bring a lot of bubble wrap with me so I took each bottle out of the inner boxes and wrapped then up and put them back in. The I put each complete Astro box into a 29 inch suitcase on top of crumpled paper from the original Mathmos shipping box with a little bubble wrap on each side. I made sure to put the bottle side of the Astro boxes in the center of the suitcase next to one another.

The astrobaby/Telstar bottle fit snugly on the side next to both Astro boxes. I thought this has the highest risk of breaking. Then I put a couple square pieces of styrofoam (from the big Mathmos shipping box) on top.

I had also purchased two replacement caps just to have (Astro and baby).

I actually just arrives home in the US after a delay at Heathrow. I checked the two Herirage Astros and the extra Telstar bottle and all is well! They survived the journey! I also checked to see if an astrobaby cap fits on a 32 ounce lava lite globe and it surely does. I really wanted one so I could swap in globes on my Carlisle. I was going to try to find a plastic LL cap and paint it gold but I am happy with a shiny chrome cap. It makes the LL globe look classier.
U can if u know someone.. I suggest u make a friend

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