Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hello i'm new to collecting lava lamps, so I started off with buying this lot of lamps on an online auction. I had to pay a bit more than I wanted, but them seemed pretty cool. I was just wondering if some of you guys could tell me anything about these lamps by these pictures. Once I get them i'll take better pictures, and they all supposedly work. 

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Hello and welcome.

It looks like you got yourself two full and complete centuries (silver base), an empty gold century and a 4th extra globe.

The other one is a blue liquid yellow wax 52oz silver base, missing cap.

The smaller one of the lot is a midnight 32oz yellow/red, also missing a cap.

Overall a very nice set of lamps depending on the price you paid, the empty globes can be refilled with gookits or spare 32oz usa globes for better results, theyre also screw top caps so sealing the globe again is easy.

Thanks for the information where would I get gookits also I just bought a lamp at goodwill today that I will take pictures of so maybe you could tell me what it is.
Rodrigo said:

Hello and welcome.

It looks like you got yourself two full and complete centuries (silver base), an empty gold century and a 4th extra globe.

The other one is a blue liquid yellow wax 52oz silver base, missing cap.

The smaller one of the lot is a midnight 32oz yellow/red, also missing a cap.

Overall a very nice set of lamps depending on the price you paid, the empty globes can be refilled with gookits or spare 32oz usa globes for better results, theyre also screw top caps so sealing the globe again is easy.

You can get gookits on their website, also on ebay.


As a general practice for beginners, you should avoid buying anymore lamps with empty bottles or bottles with old worn out

lava until you familiarize yourself with the materials needed and procedure for replacing the goo(lava). Buying the stuff you need is easy--just use the link that Rodrigo gave you. Happy Collecting!

Yeah definitely I just saw them for a decent price so I snagged them.
TomK said:

As a general practice for beginners, you should avoid buying anymore lamps with empty bottles or bottles with old worn out

lava until you familiarize yourself with the materials needed and procedure for replacing the goo(lava). Buying the stuff you need is easy--just use the link that Rodrigo gave you. Happy Collecting!

I took a few pictures of the lamp I picked up today. The pictures aren't the best, but I think you can still make them out. I believe it has a 78 on the bottom of the bottle so maybe 1978? Also it has a blue sticker where the light bulb is held that says Underwriters Laboratories. 

Ooh...someone broke the seal on that one. It's a Gemlite Mystique, and the liquid is freon based which evaporates quickly if the seal goes bad or the cap is removed. Originally, there was a white heat-shrink material over the cap that stated something like "Do not open. Contents under pressure." 

That is a gem light. I don't know much about them, but that is a really nice lamp. They sell for over 100. Great find

John Smith said:

I took a few pictures of the lamp I picked up today. The pictures aren't the best, but I think you can still make them out. I believe it has a 78 on the bottom of the bottle so maybe 1978? Also it has a blue sticker where the light bulb is held that says Underwriters Laboratories. 

The bottle is near full, but the glitter is stuck in the middle. I'll run it for awhile, but is this normal because most of the glitter I've seen goes to the top.

Wait...what? The glitter should all be at the top. Oh, now I see. Apparently someone added another type of fluid to the globe and it's sitting on top of the original fluid. Hhmmm. I think I'd send that off to the member here (Kirk) that does glitter lamps. I would bet he could put that lamp back to a near original state with his large glitter formula. These are beautiful lamps when operating correctly.
John Smith said:

The bottle is near full, but the glitter is stuck in the middle. I'll run it for awhile, but is this normal because most of the glitter I've seen goes to the top.

Ok so you don't think it would even work like this? 
Snicks said:

Wait...what? The glitter should all be at the top. Oh, now I see. Apparently someone added another type of fluid to the globe and it's sitting on top of the original fluid. Hhmmm. I think I'd send that off to the member here (Kirk) that does glitter lamps. I would bet he could put that lamp back to a near original state with his large glitter formula. These are beautiful lamps when operating correctly.
John Smith said:

The bottle is near full, but the glitter is stuck in the middle. I'll run it for awhile, but is this normal because most of the glitter I've seen goes to the top.

Unlikely. At least not the way it's supposed to. Who knows what it will do when heated up. The base and top appear to be in good shape though.

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