brand new, at least that's what it is said because the big black spot on the wax seems strange to me.
That's the third time I Read something about "pumping..." on Ning.. What does it mean?
the black spot is actually a logo on the bottle, its a designer thing, lol
When your liquid goes cloudy its genrally coz the wax has got too hot or something like that. Once this happens you can buy a hand filter pump and pull the liquid through it and it will make it go clear again ( hopefully )
Thats all i know about it though. i need to reaseach it before i go for it!
I've bought a green fluidium once on ebay but got refunded on it because the wax was going to brake with a lots af bubbles in it, small and big ones, but I didn't notice this logo thing you mentionned... I'll take a better look next time!
Thank's for the tip! ;.)