Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Last week at a flee market I picked up a midnight, didn't think much of it until a little bell rang in my head saying pink/pink may be hard to find.

Is this a bit more rare than others? If so....I am open to offers on it.

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Pink / pink is quite rare, i would keep it how it is unless you have a good idea for the globe

What is the cap code - that will let us know if it is a defo pink / pink

I believe it is 21. I have no intention of changing it the only thing I may do is trade it or sell it if it has enough value.

Ah, if it's a #21, that's purple/pink and very common. 

This is not purple and pink. I have a purple and pink, the lava looks the same but the liquid is very different. It is the same color as the pink and wrote princess I had.

If the cap code on the top say #21, then it's purple/pink. It's likely that the purple liquid has been faded by the sun and that's why it looks pink. 

Can the liquid color fade without the lava fading?

Absolutely, and it often does. Lava (the wax) rarely fades, but rather it just "cooks" if it gets overheated a lot and can take on a burnt look over time. You'll usually see "cooked" lava on white and yellow wax lamps from the 70s. 

Well then I got a pink and pink look alike for a buck. Can't complain nonetheless

For a $1, it's a good deal. :) Enjoy. 

My pink/purple wizard from the 90's liquid faded to completely clear now!!!  The lava is still the same beautiful color pink though.  Weird.  Weirder is my daughter had it under her bed for like ever.  I guess when it was in the sun in it's heyday it got most of its fading done then.

Only took me a year, but guess what was floating around at the same flea. Cap code 04, pink/pink

Haha!!  Awesome!

Josiah said:

Only took me a year, but guess what was floating around at the same flea. Cap code 04, pink/pink

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