Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

So I thought... We have a great music thread, random topic thread and various lava/glitter/fiber/rain/plasma/wave/motion image threads. I think we need one to support general photography, unique images and moving pictures (e.g. gifs and other things that move). Maybe it will be a quiet thread maybe it will get rowdy. I could be talking to myself here! Post images that move you, excite you, make you laugh maybe even cry! Express with imagery!

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AHAHAHA that animal lineup was great, the dog turd had me going NO NO NOOOO it's not what you think!

Those damn video games trapped me... Playing those consoles as a kid kept me plugged into each successor

THE DAY SKYNET WENT LIVE. Some memorable moments through the ages..

Good ole' Orchid used the flash fatality

The AI became a little more intelligent and was fun to screw with at times, silly Snake

Quad Damage became a thing. I was late to that party having a Dreamcast and no PC

This guy came along... Chief and his lady friend Cortana (newer model of Cortana depicted... it's better that way )

Don't mess with Plasmids they said...

Now, a classic has been re-imagined

Finally, this up-n-comer will probably have me in diapers while playing...It better, dammit....

Ya know Vox, they say video games are bad for kids and I understand that there is a lot of violence in the graphics compared to the classic games from way back when, but at least I know where my 15 soon to be 16 year old son is EVERY nite!!! and he wants to be a cop!!  He's taking up law enforcement this year in HS and  his friends are all  playing on Xbox live with him, lol!!!  At least they're not hanging on the streets drinking and doing god knows what!!  My daughter will be 21 and I raised her on video games and she turned out to be a good girl, so they can stick it!!!  lol!!!

Ace Ventura needs Skyrim.......

Microwaving cell phone creates nemesis from Resident Evil....DON"T TRY THIS AT HOME!!!!


Cupcake sensory overload....


Your weapons are useless.....

Your mine now.....

Most excellent lineup Carol, I can hear Jim Carey screaming in that Skrim one. I still need to finish that game actually

So my 32gb thumb drive that carries freelance work and assorted crap I don't need, decided to write-protect itself. Looks like it will go down holding only the junk that is on it. Nothing more to be written or removed... and only about half full at that! I think it might be time to UPGRADEEEE! Can get the real juicy, highish resolution, 72dpi looksies with these un's!

I think I will just need to avoid magnets and I am good!

No need for fancy lights and accessing data warnings, it has the Busy Tool!

Pony up a little more and you can get Dubbin'-in-no-time-mode! Just adjust tracking wayy out, that will clear up

When in Powered-on-active-mode you only hear humming.

I would actually like to see all that stuff assembled into some kind of task, not sure what it would be doing when combined but it would be cool to see and hear it all in motion. Shutting-down-mode leaves you with a new take on Nighthawks.

Verry retro, I particularly like the last picture - it's more art then just a picture

Hard to believe how BIG TECHNOLOGY was back then!!!  lol!!  Now things keep getting smaller and smaller.  Look at how much techno is crammed into our smart phones.  Just like I remember and posted about the first Betamax and even the vhs players have gotten so small it's a wonder you can still fit a disc in them.........

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