Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

So I thought... We have a great music thread, random topic thread and various lava/glitter/fiber/rain/plasma/wave/motion image threads. I think we need one to support general photography, unique images and moving pictures (e.g. gifs and other things that move). Maybe it will be a quiet thread maybe it will get rowdy. I could be talking to myself here! Post images that move you, excite you, make you laugh maybe even cry! Express with imagery!

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VOX - it would be good to see your other photos in this style (you have a eye for cool photos) but yea it would be slightly out of order to flood the OG host, mabie perhaps upload to photo sharing sight where there is more server space etc.

HAHA Those dogs are amazing, I would like one a lot.

Jim said:

Get back here you little &#@*!!!

and as always Vox, awesome photogs!!!!

Thank you, you have certantly inspired me to do some photo hunting of my own.

Once again the photo are amazing, very much my thing - alternate fantasy, cyber / cyber-punk universe.

Search far and wide Tim, there is a lot of cool digital hoarding to be done out there! Looks like that last set broke or something, let me know if you need them and I can message them to you.

Gummy bear gets it

Whoa, wonder what he did???

Its a gummy bear with hot potassium chlorate, loads more science gifs where that came from http://www.iflscience.com/10-chemical-reaction-gifs-will-amaze-you

That is an awesome gif and linked collection, thanks Tim, SAVED! I like the first comment, as of right now, the guy pumped up about using gummi bears as rocket fuel

oh, lol, I was wondering what the poor gummy bear did to deserve that??  lol!!

Went Jeepin' to see the startup of Fall color. We are going back up the tough path in October to see the fire come out! I give you Bard Creek trail!

Trail head starts with a fairly steep incline with a beautiful pond/lake off the edge.

This trail gets somewhat vicious, almost took a mirror off on a tree in order to let a dirt biker by This was the beginning of narrow rocky road, decent TILT!

You start getting sucked into the woods before climbing higher.

This one doesn't quite go full 14'er but it does have a nice vista view before turning into a hiking trail/mine tailings route of death.

Just in front of the Jeep is about a 45 degree angle drop to connect back down, this is the end of the trail.

We are going back in October and will be taking the more treacherous Democratic/Republican trail that spawns off this one towards the bottom. I may need recovery gear, a fellow crawler and a nice life insurance policy beforehand...oh and a new tire.

Those nature pics are stunning Vox!!!  Can't wait to see when the fire comes out!!!  I luv that time of year when the reds, browns, crimsons, etc., come out in full view......mother nature sure is amazing!!!

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