Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Welcome to the group! giants! 

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Glory days, too bad I missed 'em

Grande glitters

My first Grande, black/clear.  Paid 25 or 30 bucks I think, almost 4 years ago.  First run.

Wild lava Grande, in it's natural habitat

Up close and personal!

Grande #2, yellow/blue.  Cost $45, 3 hours away from home.  (We were in the area for the weekend anyway )

The three amigos.  Got the red/clear about a year ago for $20 and the heritage green in June for, gulp, full price with shippping.  It cost more that my other 3 put together!

Wow those are AWESOME! Thanks for joining, everybody!  I've never seen a Glitter. Very cool. I got mine at Costco new for $39.99

I wish I would have kept my yellow/blue. I took it back thinking there was something wrong with it because it had air bubbles. They didn't have any more so I took the red/clear I have now but in hind sight I think the air bubbles would have popped.  

Keith said:

Grande #2, yellow/blue.  Cost $45, 3 hours away from home.  (We were in the area for the weekend anyway )

It's AWESOME though! 

Keith said:

The three amigos.  Got the red/clear about a year ago for $20 and the heritage green in June for, gulp, full price with shippping.  It cost more that my other 3 put together!



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