Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

1979 YAPS Crystal Mood Lamp Made in Hong Kong as seen in "Mother's Day" MIB Woooo!!!

My first ever exposure to a glitter lamp wasn't actually in-person, but rather featured in an old silly & sick cult horror film titled "Mother's Day" (shot in 1979, released 1980). Fluttering & flickering away beside mother's head on a rickety table, it stole it's one scene and I wanted one! After many glitter lamps I've owned over the years, none had the same effect that the film used one did. After some research, I found what was exactly used as the film prop, a late 70's "YAPS" Crystal Mood Lamp or Phantom Colorlite. Now having found a nice, nearly-new example and seen it at work for a few minutes, I am mesmerized...I love the effect green & red coating on the bottom of the bottle gives the glitter pieces. The liquid glows a ghostly faint clear green, with the mirrored square glitter pieces changing from gold to red to vivid green. Much different than color dyed fluid. Original price sticker on the funky cool box from Baker Drug = $9.99. It's a very nice quality piece, the frame is chromed plastic, very low wattage bulb (original)...I miss Hong Kong novelty imports.

I'm thinking now, I'm going to purchase some stained glass paint soon for my modern clear/mirror on my nightstand. Has anyone tried this themselves?

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If anyone wants to buy me a gift for Christmas......I'd like THIS ONE:




LOLOLOL, I would change the color of the glitter if at all possible....I don't know though the clear, sparkle would go with any room and look nice!!!!!! 

I wanna 6-color, crystal mood lamp one of those overpriced bigguns! The clear stock globes look theatrically divine across a large room. But up close they're just too glary. Very blinding and watery eye inducing. At least using the furnished 25w reflector bulb.

Carol that dosent look half bad, yea we could bang on about how the globe is probably not up to scratch but it is a nice lamp. Yes certantly would look better with some changes - if I couldn't change the glitter color I would certantly paint some orange glass color on the bottom of the globe.

Oho and mabie a orange lampshade as well - just to finish it off

Carol Morrow said:

If anyone wants to buy me a gift for Christmas......I'd like THIS ONE:




LOLOLOL, I would change the color of the glitter if at all possible....I don't know though the clear, sparkle would go with any room and look nice!!!!!! 

Now your talkin!!!!!  I'm going to go out on a limb here Erin and guess that orange is your fav color!!!

I can't talk for Erin but my fav color is orange, I like other colors a lot as well but orange would work so well with this lamp.

Yeah there was one of these on E-bay 2 weeks ago for sale.

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