Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Rare 32WG Multicolor Wizard with Fuchsia Base and Cap Found Today

I found this Wizard in South Austin this morning.  I paid $5.  

I've never seen a fuchsia-colored Wizard base and cap before.

The 32WG multicolor globe looks like it was once clear.  The Lava Library says it should be red liquid, but this 32WG definitely didn't have red liquid.  

Unfortunately, the gold or gold/yellow glitter has bled its yellow color into the liquid.  The red and blue/green glitter is still fine.  The glitter flows great for a couple of hours, and then stalls and sinks to the bottom of the globe.

I'm itching to restore the liquid and glitter.  What do you think?  Should I do it, or leave it as I found it?

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Normally I lean towards leave as is, but that certainly shows it's age and the run time is limited.  Plus that, you're KIRK the GLITTERMAN!!!  lol

I would say go for it!

Lovely base and cap color by the way, I don't remember seeing that color before!

I would die for a wizard that color combination, I'd say restore even though I know nothing about whats good and bad for this kind of thing! Lol!

Thanks, Keith.  I'm thinking in place of the red glitter - I'll use some fuchsia glitter instead.  Make it a fuchsia, green/blue, and gold multicolor globe.  

That does sound like a great combo!

Oh Hell...re do the thing! Especially since it stalls.

Never seen a fuchsia colored Wizzie before either, Kirk buddy, GREAT FIND!!!   I'm with Keith, go for it!!   I'm thinking fuchsia (that word is tricky to spell without a bad goof.......)   and gold glitter.

Thanks, Bill.  It needs help.  

Fuchsia is hard to spell - thank god for the spell checker!

That does it.  With your blessing, Lib, I'll refurb it and post the before and after pics.

Let me just say one more time, it's GREAT to have you back!

Marley's Ghost said:

Never seen a fuchsia colored Wizzie before either, Kirk buddy, GREAT FIND!!!   I'm with Keith, go for it!!   I'm thinking fuchsia (that word is tricky to spell without a bad goof.......)   and gold glitter.

YAY, Kirk!!!  You're the Jedi Master of glitter and I can't wait to see the "after" pics!!!   That base/cap color is gorgeous!!  I'll be waiting with bated breath.   And yes, thank God for spell checker, EEKKKK.  

EDIT:   Thank you for the welcome back!!!   I've missed you all so much!

oh r u kidden me Kirk??  You even had to ask, lolol!!!  Your glitter is the bomb diggity of glitter!!!  You're not going to get much use out of it if it's run time is stalled, and it does show it's age.......that base is awesome and imagine how great it will look once you redo it!!!!

Make a vid of it running

I would say redo it but keep / store the glitter if it can be used again as you don't see many vintage multie color glitters about

I know you would do a good job and make it look even better then it is - look forward to the pics.

Also is there any chance of getting photos of it running how it is now.

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