Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

What designs do you wish you could create/own?

I remember that, a time ago, somebody was working on a "lava wall", the size of a regualr window. Then there's probably still donations being collected for that mega-giant lamp (tho I start suspecting it to be a hoax).

But that said, you get where this thread is meant to go, right?

Personally, I'd already be happy if I were gifted enough to use an engraving-tool. Then I'd make me a base engraved with a neat paisley pattern. Maybe even try and engrave a globe.

What else....... hmm... some color-changing goo would be nice, too. It could even signal when the lamp starts overheating, hehe.

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I would panel my basement entierely in mirrors, the floors, the ceiling, the walls...everything. Then I would plant a forest of colossus lamps...maybe 50 of 'em, in all the colors of the rainbow. Imagine the infinity effect one would get. Wow man..far out...
win the lottery and make every wall in my house coverd in lava lamps and buld the worlds largest lamp in my free time :P
Build a mansion with indoor support columns 10 ft. high or more, only the columns are giant LAVA TOWERS! Whoohoo!

Giant wallsconces the size of ten gallon aquariums.

Taking apart an old vintage television and taking out the tubes and stuff, and placing an appropriately shaped/sized lava lamp within it, to give the effect of the television always broadcasting globules coalescing and floating up and down.......

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