Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi. I came across a PAIR of these sconces locally (of course they will have to be rewired because some dingbat just cut the wires off....) but am wondering if they have any value... They look like Crestworth Cosmos glitterlites in a wall mounted version. The chrome only has a few minor scratches, nothing major though. Can't see them on because there is no way to plug them in right now, but the bottles are removable and have the right kind of glitter if they are what I'm thinking they might be. 

Wishful thinking? Total coolness? Worth the rewiring plus cost to buy? Thoughts?

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Quite rare indeed.  Definitely worth the rewire cost, depending on the cost of the lamps of course.

Picked them up today! All MINE!!!

OK now that I have them, the store doing the re-wiring wants to know if I want them to have a wire hanging down with an on/off switch and plug or hardwire them so they would be more secure and not have wire and a switch hanging down. I'm torn because I think I have a place where I can have them installed on a wall, but the idea of moving them around is appealing too... just not having a cord dangling, even though they said they could use the clear lamp cord which really shows the silver wire through the insulation.... Any opinions are welcome because I really don't know which is better.

I've wondered the same, if I had one would I want it hard-wired.  If you have the exact spot for it, hard-wire.  But if your not sure, cord.  I would probably go with a cord myself.

Soylent Green said:

OK now that I have them, the store doing the re-wiring wants to know if I want them to have a wire hanging down with an on/off switch and plug or hardwire them so they would be more secure and not have wire and a switch hanging down. I'm torn because I think I have a place where I can have them installed on a wall, but the idea of moving them around is appealing too... just not having a cord dangling, even though they said they could use the clear lamp cord which really shows the silver wire through the insulation.... Any opinions are welcome because I really don't know which is better.

Got yourself a score there espshaly if they are cresworth lamps not many of thies are around and the condition is very good even if some muppet cut the cables on them
Do you want to sell these?

Well I'm waiting to pick them up from the store that is re-wiring them... I just got them, but if the price were right, who knows?

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