Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Mathmos are doing a poll on Facebook for a new COLOURWAY for the Lunar bottle.

Please vote - BUT DONT VOTE for BLUE- BLUE

Simon :0(

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Might need a torch to see the wax in that ink blue liquid if you lower the bulb too much. Mine runs great for a while then just ends up as one big blob on the bottom after about 2 house of running on about 80% Good luck!

I want this bottle too but in my experience their blue blue combos are just flat out dark. My 52 oz. blue blue flows great but unless it is in a bright room it is hard to see the wax within the fluid. I think I am going to pass on this bottle and get a purple orange....or is it purple violet?
Yes Kaia, was also thinking earlier about some back illumination. Still flowing pretty well now two hours on, just can't really see it :(
My gosh, just set up my astro glitter baby as an up-lighter behind the Lunar and it really does the trick!

I just got confirmation that my lunar blue/blue bottle has shipped!  yay :)  I think a light background, with some other lights on it will probably need to happen.  Not sure if it can dethrone my violet/red as my fav lunar color, but we'll see!

I doubt it somehow. I am sending mine back to Mathmos, they acknowledged this as a common "problem".

Mine flows pretty well now I've used the dimmer to the right setting. The 100 watt spot really is too much even for a giant lava lamp. Back lighter Astrobaby works well but I shouldn't have to use another lamp to see the Lunar flow throughout the deep blue waters.

Just got mine flowing.  It flows perfectly, but the dark blue/dark blue makes it useless.  Can't see it at all.  I've tried back-lighting it with both a blacklight, and a regular light, but it does not look appealing at all.  :(  Disappointed.  

Thats too bad, maybe a refund or change out the master fluid (at

their cost) and make it clear.  They should have known better.

Man so sorry to hear Verax. I am not surprised though their blue blue bottles in 52 oz are very dark. The larger bottle will appear even darker. Maybe a sun fade for a few days at a time will help.

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