Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

As much as I am fascinated by Lava Lamps, I just don't seem to have any interest in Lava's cousin, the Glitter Lamp. I was wondering how many other Lava fans also share those same feelings. Please don't hate me; I just want to hear people's opinions on the topic.

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stunning! and general grievous isn't looking too shabby either! lol. i'm interested in the glitters but prefer lava.
I prefer the globs by a long shot, but some glitter lamps look incredible and well... make good night lights. ;-]
What about the best of both worlds, the glitterball, a truly awesome lava/glitter hybrid made by the legendary Mathmos.
Glitterball is really cool. while i also prefer goo to glitter anyday, I find a healthy mix adds a complement of soft changing light to the lava in a room when many lamps are on at once. but a glitter lamp really needs the right styling. like those florence art company's glitter lamps look pretty neat, and some of the old crestworths.....

and for the not so patient people, you don't have to wait for it to start flowing when turned on. It's pretty much instant gratification. (not that that's a necessarily GOOD thing)
Same here i hate them damn things! they are not worth the materals they are made off!

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