scored this purple/pink premier for 5 frickin' dollars on ebay! $7.55 for shipping so $12.55 overall! super excited! i haven't had one of these before, what can you guys tell me about it? what are some things i can expect or need to look out for? i've been digging on google images trying to find a picture of one of these lit up, but can't seem to. what color should i expect when lit? i'm figuring the whole thing just goes pink, which i wouldn't mind, but i'm hoping it's not dark like the blue liquid/purple wax ones. i bought one of those from target and HATED it. i like a bright lamp. super excited about this one tho! lady must not have known what she could charge for it. also, it looks pretty good! i looked over the pictures thoroughly before buying and even the base looks new. seems to have been well taken care of!
Views: 818
Never had a pink/purple but would luv one!!! I have a pink/white premier and I adore it!!! It is very bright.....I think you will be ok as far as brightness with this one because both the wax and liquid are a bright color. You wanna see a dark lamp? I just got a orange/black Def a day lamp or has to be run with another light source next to it. As far as the purple liquid goes, I had a purple/yellow, but it had a bum coil so I goo kitted it with purple/white and that is a tad dark but not too bad. In it's original state it was nice. Not overly bright, but nice enough for a bedroom. If you want to go super bright, your best best is any color combo in a clear liquid!!
Nice score!!!
I'm so upset. The seller seems to be trying to screw me over. Says she shipped it and provided a tracking number, but all the tracking says is that she created a shipping label and hasn't taken it to USPS. She is telling me she DID take it and left it at the shipping store. And now she won't answer my messages. I think she's upset that she didn't get the amount of money she wanted for this? Idk, but I'm so pissed. I'm gonna end up having to report to eBay I guess because she refuses to answer messages.
Kaity, sometimes the usps shipping doesn't update like they should. If it is stalled in label mode for more then a few days though something is up. I just had shoes that this happened to and when I called the shoe store, there was in fact a problem and it never made it to the post office although it did say a label was made.
Good luck!!!
yeah it kept saying label for like, 2 days. ended up talking to the lady and she said she took the package to some specialty packaging store that wasnt the post office and apparently it got delayed in being shipped to the official USPS facility because of a broken down truck or something. it was this HUGE ordeal. the lady was so confusing, even had me emailing someone at this "specialty" packing store and it all seemed INCREDIBLY fishy but the employee told me it would be getting scanned in tonight and i should see movement. hours go by and she messages me saying she still sees nothing on the tracking and now she's mad and calling the store. she never ended up getting back to me and then i just went and randomly looked at the tracking and its moving now. i ordered it on like, the 3rd of this month, crazy lol. i'm hoping to GOD it does not arrive cloudy or messed up because look how pristine it looks in those photos!!!!!!!
Carol said:
Never had a pink/purple but would luv one!!! I have a pink/white premier and I adore it!!! It is very bright.....I think you will be ok as far as brightness with this one because both the wax and liquid are a bright color. You wanna see a dark lamp? I just got a orange/black Def a day lamp or has to be run with another light source next to it. As far as the purple liquid goes, I had a purple/yellow, but it had a bum coil so I goo kitted it with purple/white and that is a tad dark but not too bad. In it's original state it was nice. Not overly bright, but nice enough for a bedroom. If you want to go super bright, your best best is any color combo in a clear liquid!!
Nice score!!!
OH and i had actually been looking into getting an orange/black but i figured they'd be so dark. does it not even give off a spooky orange glow so it can be used during halloween? i figured i would avoid that one since it's probably dark but its a really neat idea! i have a pink/white 20oz and i love it TO DEATH. its so bright and groovy! i really like the flow on it too, i'm younger so i've always had china lamps and idk, they look good to me. i actually dont like the flow of the USA ones because they shoot off a lot of the little bubbles, i like the big globs. i also used to have a blue/white 20oz but i ended up giving it to my brother because i didn't like how the wax color didn't stay consistent throughout the globe, like sometimes looking yellow when pressed against the glass LOL i'm weird. i really enjoy the lamps that have a bright color (pink, orange, green, whatever) with white wax because the white usually takes on the color of everything around it if the color is bright enough. i used to have one of the blue/white spiral psychedelic-y base ones that seem to be popular on this site but i havent seen it in years! i guess my parents sold it under my nose -_- i went on a little rant there my bad lol!
Kaity, it doesn't matter whether you like china lamps, vintage, knock offs, mathmos, or all of the above. It's whatever makes YOU happy. Whatever flow makes ya happy, lol!!! If you do not like a dark lamp i absolutely DO NOT recommend the black/orange 52 oz. In the dark you can see a lot of those starry occlusions in the globe. I've had 2 so far. One came cloudy from Spencer's so I took it up to the store and swapped it out for the only one they had left in the store and that too although clear hazed up with a few runs. It now looks ok, but if I run it in the dark you can barely see the black lava and all your eyes focus on is those stars and the smudges on the inside of the globe. The globe quality in both of these black/oranges is crap. My flow is a lot of big blobs which you would like, but since I go for more vintage flow i hooked up a dimmer and i run it on a 60 watter with the dimmer down a tad. Also, the a/c is killing the natural flow of my lamps but it has been so hot here. I have made my own black/orange which I luv but I have to try and find a globe for it. If i end up frying the lava in my original LL lamp, i will transfer my goo kit to this globe. I really don't want to use this globe for anything though because it's not in the best of shape nor up to my expectations. I will take some pics of this lamp for you in the dark and with backlighting and you will see how dark it is. I will try to get it without a flash so you can see it close to what it looks like in real life. I do only light it during the day light or at night with another lamp lit beside it. That's the only way it looks good.
Kaity, here are some pics with the lamp in the dark and when there is a light lit next to it:
This is the lamp in the dark. As you can see, it is not crystal clear. There is a haze that will not ever clear. Lots of starry occlusions also.
The 2nd is with the lamp lit next to it. It doesn't look as hazy with it backlit and you can't notice those stars as bad either. Of course the camera picks them up more then the human eye does. It really does not look bad with the light on next to it and that is the only reason I kept it.
OHHHH MY GOODNESS i hate that lamp LOL! those starry pricks PISS ME OFF! i had a blue/white that i gave to my brother because for some reason it was like, darker than previous blue/whites that i had and i could ALWAYS see those stars and smudges and i was just like UGH! i'm so OCD about that LOL. it does look a lot better though with a lamp on next to it. it'd be really cool actually as a day lamp and to not have so many stars on the dang globe. i absolutely hate that about the globes you can get now. they always have soooooooooooooooo many!!!! i LOVE my pink/white because its bright enough that it doesnt show those stars even though it has them. my little 11oz orange/white is like that too, SO cute. i was thinking of painting its silver base black and use that as my "halloween" lamp but it would be SO COOL if i could get a premier size orange/white in black, THAT'D be a boss halloween lamp! i wonder why LL doesn't take suggestions on lamp colors/styles? i have soooo many ideas!
OOOH do you have any of the 52oz neons???? I REALLLYYYY like those and would love to have one. which color is the best??? they all look so cool in everyones photos i probably couldnt pick a color!
I went through 2 52 oz purple Neons and my son went through 2 52 oz green's. He still has his one green, but the lava turned a puke green color. Keith's did the same thing also. He keeps this lamp covered during all daylight hours, so I don't know why the color change. My 1st neon purple I'll admit, I fried it by letting it run 24/7. I even used to leave that sucker on while I went to work. I was using it for a nightlight, b4 I knew that you shouldn't run a lava lamp for more then 8 hours. So the lava color faded and the liquid got all cloudy. I changed the fluid and did some adjustments with Epsom salts and dish liquid for surf, and it looked and flowed great for a little while, then it clouded up again, so I ended up goo kitting it violet. That color has stayed true and the water clear to this day and that was over a year ago. As a matter of fact that was my first goo kit.
I went to repurchase a purple neon 52 oz but left with a different lamp due to the fact that they were all really crap globes. I must have pulled at least 5 from their tubes b4 giving up. They were full of stars and all smudged up. The sales guy at Spencer's tried to tell me the smudges were on the outside of the globe and were from the Styrofoam packaging. I told him that Styrofoam doesn't leave marks and that in fact those smudges are on the inside of the globe. I heard somewhere that they are produced from the conveyor belts when they make the things. Something during production. Anyway, I don't have a good taste in my mouth for the Neon's as I personally haven't had much luck with them. If you want to know about other member's experiences with the neon's you can start a thread under collecting asking for feedback on those.
As a side note to this day, Spencer's still has 15 purple neon 52 oz lamps but hardly any others. I guess nobody wants these things and that's why they are so overstocked with them. I bet if I started pulling tubes they would all be trash. The only nice part about those is the midnight bases. You don't see those often on the 52's. I can't even buy one to goo kit due to the fact the globes are so trashed!!!
Kaity, here is MY gookit version of the black/orange 52 oz. Sadly, shortly after making this, the globe cracked and as of yet I haven't found a decent globe worthy of such a dark lamp. I need one that doesn't have any smudges or tons of stars!!! So for now, I put some JB Waterweld on it to hold the fluids in and it is sitting in a pot on my washing machine.
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