Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

A few days ago my sister went into the doctor to see just why her skin and eyes were turning yellow. Something is keeping her liver from filtering out something in her body. I forget what it is called.
After some tests were done they found she has Hepititis(SP?) and a colon infection. Then an x-ray revealed what the doctors thought may be a blockage, like a stone or something. When the results came back, it wasn't blockage but something that is pushing against her liver for some reason.
The doctors say there is a chance it could be cancer or something else.

This is why I ask for prayers from you. My sister is in the hospital right now waiting for a CAT scan that will be tomorrow at 7a.m. 6/23/08.

Please help me, my family and other friends pray that whatever is in her body is treatable. We are praying for a miracle.

Thank you all in advance for your prayers.
I'll update soon.


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I hope the treatment goes well and that your sister feels better. cancer is a really terrible thing but your sister is strong enough to fight it through. My best wishes are with you guys.
The chemo is finally starting to make my sister loose her hair. She is a bit bummed about it, but she says "I'll just buy some caps to wear."

It sucks, but this is just one of those things that happens with this medication.

My sister had her MRI test done and her results came back good. The tumor has shrunk a good amount and the doctors are surprised by how well her test results are since.she's been on chemo. She is on her way to becoming well.
She will soon be on her way to her radiation treatments.

Thanks again everyone for your support and prayers. It means alot.


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