Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

 I have a friend in the U.K. that has agreed to let me send a couple lamps to his address and he will then forward them to me in the U.S.. I am trying to ascertain what the best method for shipping will be. I am trying to keep things economical but also expedient as experience has shown the longer it takes something to reach its destination, the great there will be some sort of mishandling. I am wondering if Royal Mail or FedEx is best, and what the expense might be in either case. I found out from Mathmos the shipping specs for an Astro are 34x19x29cm and 3.5kg per lamp. 

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I've used the post before (with good results) when shipping lamps from the UK to Canada. Very expensive….

Critter posted some info about a site called forward2me.com in another thread.  You may want to look into that.

I have forwarded lamps to Cowmation (a load of Mathmos lamps) it is do-able but hear are a fue things I did to ensure they got there in one piece.

Plenty of extra packaging for the globes i.e. taking the globes out of the boxes and wrapping each one in bubble wrap and then re boxing them and sealing the boxes securely.

Put packing material around the empty space between each indervidule box.

Having a sturdy outer box or even better double boxing it. 

My experience with Mathmos packaging is not that grate especially for international forwarding so more packing and repacking is required to ensure they get there un damaged. 

I used fed-ex they were the best price wise, it is not cheap though but if your friend is prepared to pay then it is possible.

I suspect most people use DHL. Those who use forward2me likely choose DHL out of the options forward2me presents their customers. Essentially your friend is acting as the proxy just like forward2me does for their cistomers. In such an event I would (and have chosen) DHL. Service is fast, trackable and lowest cost usually.
I am so happy with my mathmos! Thanks again Tim. Your re-pack was very well done. They got here perfectly, except some minor leaking of one globe, which is a factory issue, and isn't even noticeable. The globe doesnt look low, but was slightly damp. Getting them here wasnt cheap, but very worth it!

Did you use DHL?
No, it was fedex. I had an astro from ebay shipped via dhl. The box was in bad shape upon arrival, but it was likely a fluke. I don't think they'd stay in business if all boxes arrived the way mine did.

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