Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hello All!! I just bought a used Lava Light brand lamp and I was wondering how old it is. The original owner said that he had if for awhile, but wasn't sure how long.
The code reads:
16 (in large numbers on the left)
top line- 990841
bottom line- 091399B
Can anyone help me? My guess was going to be 9-13-99, but I am a blonde.....

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I think it means your lamp was capped at 8:41 a.m. on 9/13/99 - The 16 would mean clear fluid black lava.
Thank you!! I guess that I'm proof that even a broken clock is right twice a day!!
Appreciate it!!
Thanks a ton! I knew that I came to the right place with my questions!
Haha, I have collected lavas for nearly 9 years now and I just NOW learned how to read the number code on the caps. Thank you Bert for posting this question 'cause I never thought to.

I'm gonna go through my lavas and see what the dates are. :D

On a 32oz globe, you can see the year the globe was made on the bottom. There is a set of numbers that start with 33, then a letter, and then 2 numbers. Ex. 33 K 97 would mean the globe was made in 1997. I don't know what the other numbers and letters mean.

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