Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

So I thought... We have a great music thread, random topic thread and various lava/glitter/fiber/rain/plasma/wave/motion image threads. I think we need one to support general photography, unique images and moving pictures (e.g. gifs and other things that move). Maybe it will be a quiet thread maybe it will get rowdy. I could be talking to myself here! Post images that move you, excite you, make you laugh maybe even cry! Express with imagery!

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Lost another great, the Earth is less funky today.

Say Hello to Heaven...


Spot the lamp... not telling where it is... if you don't like this guys work then suffer !!! lol

I think he's pretty cool  :)

FOUND IT! 1:50 when the kid starts bangin' the drums! Shows up a few more quick times after that. Good song too, makes ya feel good!

Scratch the sand... won't let go of your hand...

Talking 'bout Monroe and walking on Snow White! Love the incorporation of harmonica in that one!

I think it's time that you all start
To think about gettin' by
But I have that need to go out
And find somebody to love

gif time

Jung the forman preyed at work, neither hands or limbs would burst....

Amid the fall out saturation

Aladdin 2 Lava said:

Jung the forman preyed at work, neither hands or limbs would burst....

Crash course for the ravers... uncertain if she likes him..............

Twig the wonder kid.

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