Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

So I got a craigslist seller to ship me a Red/Yellow Century and boy was this a mistake. I pick up the package from my porch and it looks like it did in my first pic. Then I take out the base and its all dented. This idiot completely shipped the globe and base side by side with nothing in between them. Luckily the globe was fine just cloudy but I really wanted the gold base. OH well. People are just ignorant even though I told him how to ship it. My advice to anyone that buys off craigslist is please be careful and tell them exactly how to ship it step by step.

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Wow, that is like a shipping nightmare. I have one or two extra gold century bases, vintage ones though. I am still taking stock of extras that I have to sell. Let me know if interested.
Well of course the guy claims he shipped it all in tact and blaims the post office. It just really is annoying because its not like I can go to spencers and buy a new century base. Oh well gold bases are common. I just need a black Aristocrat cap because I'm gonna put the globe with a midnight aristocrat and need a cap. So if anyone has one and is willing to part with it let me know. Thanks
Yea I saw that and was thinking about it. It is a 90s base.
Sorry, to hear this.

I jsut came across this seller on ebay that has this RIDICULOUS disclaimer on their auction:

IMPORTANT NOTICE! Lava® Brand Lava Lamps as well as other "oozing" motion lamps may become "cloudy" during shipment. The liquid in the lava lamp's globe may become cloudy as a result of the temperature conditions and the vibrations that occur during shipment. A cloudy Lava Lamp is not defective; a cloudy lava lamp functions properly however the liquid medium that the "lava" sits in looks somewhat cloudy. If The Personality Fits can not control the shipping conditions (temperature and vibrations) that cause a Lava Lamp to become cloudy thus If The Personality Fits will not shoulder the cost to replace Lava Lamps or other motion lamps that appear to be cloudy. If The Peraonality Fits requires that you consider the occurrence of a cloudy Lava Lamp an inherent risk of shipping any Lava or motion lamp.

Right! Cloudy is not defective!
However, I do know where they are coming from - even if they pack it correctly, there is no gaurantee that it will not be cloudy.

Well good news is the globe is in my basement where its very cold and its already starting to clear. Cold locations always work for me.
I have to speak up on an issue that Mark pointed out. I buy our lamps from If the Personality Fits which is the company out. I noticed the listing that was highlighted and pasted but I received a cloudy globe from them one time. They gave me some advice and even sent me here so I can read up and come to my own conclusion and I told the owner that based on the condition and how little it was improving that I wanted to another globe and beleive it or not, with no questions asked I picked the color and they sent it to me. Sorry......but I don't want to see a good company get smeared.
What do you mean "Good Company" if your referring to Lavaworld I'm gonna blow up?
I was referring to If the Personality Fits being the good company. A lot of internet companys were relying on Lava World to replace the products that were defected. Such as cloudy globes, motion issues were considered to be replaceable. So the companys would forward a warranty request to Lava World and they would ship it directly to the customers but there's a catch........sometimes it would take 3 months. And to customers like all of us....that sucks. So I guess when If the Personality Fits got a little fed up they started to bare the brunt of costs and decided to start replaceing their own products. I'm not sure if Lava Lites is trying to something similar as Lava World but I still wouldn't mess with contacting them to get something replaced
Lavaworld is nothing but a shitty company who doesn't give a f**K about the customers anymore.
Oh I thought he was talking about lavaworld, my bad.

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