oozinggoo.com where i show off my lastest creations to the gooheads ....................who are nice except for their tendency to.............................
Suddenly the cold, clear, million stars night was engulfed in a cloud so thick Santa couldn't see his own belly. As quick as it came the cloud was gone. All was well again, the night was clear and the elves continued to pack the Lavas when a scream was heard, "Oh no! Santa come quick!", the once crystal clear Lavas were now all hopelessly cloudy...
The elves poured out the cloudy globes into a large bowl and began to pack up all the lava lamp bases and empty globes on the sleigh. As they were getting ready to leave for England, to their amazement they realized Rudolph had DRUNK THE OLD LAVA! They knew this was the case because Rudolph's...