Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi all,

Have just stumbled across this site after suddenly getting the urge to own a lava lamp and doing some research.

I'm wondering if people in the know can give me some advice as to what I should look for when purchasing my first lamp, and from where.

- Only looking to buy 2 lamps at most.

- Price is not an issue (within reason).

- Want to buy something fairly soon.

It seems that Crestworth and Mathmos are the way to go. I'm currently living between Australia and New Zealand so would I be better off just buying direct from the mathmos.com.au site? and having something new with warranty? I don't mind the Heritage Astros - something a bit closer to the period.. Would love an original from the 60's and with a bit of rarity and uniqueness but it seems that postage costs kill the value, as well as the associated issues with lamps of age.

Any help/advice is greatly appreciated!


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Thanks for the reply. Do you have a link to the lamp you're referring to? The Australian site doesn't seem to have that combination available - I like the copper base with clear/plum but they are out of stock :(


Marcel said:

A nice first astro would be the new polished copper one with violet liquid and orange lava. Its a really nice liquid color combination.You could choose the classic silver polished base or a heritage base too.

I think the Australian site is run as a buy in wholesale from Mathmos and then sell on venture so not surprising that they won't have the entire range there
If you ask Mathmos uk they will probably be able to send out a lamp from the uk to you

Thanks for the replies. It's annoying that the AU site doesn't stock a decent range - now I'll be up for a large shipping cost and plug change/adapter IF they do even ship. I'll look into it. Might just jump on eBay instead.

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