Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

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The reason she gave for selling her soul wasn't...

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for one million Lavabots.. the latest craze....
to hit Japan. The Lavabots are actual working robots that you carry around in your pocket and take care of like a little baby. The hitch is that they eat and poop lava lamp juice. You can tell when your Lavabot needs to be fed again by...
the color of their lava, liquid and...
their sad little faces and noises they make when hungry.
Santa's sleigh. The elves had loaded that bad boy to the top. First stop, the liquor store because...
so Santa called the UAW who sent unemployed auto workers to help the elves meet the Christmas deadline.
So Santa, the elves and the unemployed auto workers worked frantically to get the order ready and the lamps filled with nice new clear liquid.
but what of the rare crestworth wall mounted glitter sconce which was spotted in the library? was it just a dream or a trick of the light maybe?
Turns out that Santa had too much wine to care. He said that OMG shouldn't be expecting a Colossus anyway because any intelligent person would know that it is way too big to fit in the bag or the sleigh, much less down the chimney.

So off the that darn sleigh to get this show on the road, eerrrr, in the air. All was set, and the reindeer heard the command from ol' Kris Kringle, "On Dasher, On Dancer, On Prancer..."
Hi Ho Silver away! Who was that Masked Stranger?
That Darn Grinch, he always tries to ruin Christmas. With haste, the elves and everyone else ran after him to get the sleigh back otherwise christmas would be cancelled!!
As they headed for a clearing the nose began flashing furiously, was the creepy cave ahead the Grinch's lair? Would they be able to rescue the sleigh in time to save Christmas??

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