Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Has anyone ever thought about something like this to display favorite lamps?


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Better yet, my hubby could build this!!


Those are cool

It would use up some of the extra LED drivers i bought to experiment with lamps

Frosted Acrylic is not that expensive and easy to work with

be a fun project

I've got a metric butt-ton of LEDs to use too! This will be an awesome display!

It is a cool idea but I think it would distract from the lamps and also change there the appearance of there color which may be better or just a bit confusing.

Personally I think this is grate for a home bar really.

To over the top for me, I like simple basic wood shelf type ordeals as it lets the items on the unit stand out more, however, since I am currently in a tiny apartment right now, I just put my lamps where I find a spot near a plug lol.

Once the house is built, I'll have a whole room devoted to Lava! I'm winnowing down the collection to no more than one of each color, base, etc. - except for the Icons, because I mean really, how can you have just one? I mean, I'll still have lamps in the other rooms, right?

Keep it to the point where you are not overwhelmed, it's that simple. Don't let a hobby become a chore.

That is true and one of the reasons I am not on a buying spree like I was when I first started. It got to the point of not having any space to display lamps so I couldn't justify buying them now i have space as such just not the means to display most of them.
It can be a additive hobby - my advice is to only buy a lamp if it can be displayed and buy and / or refurbish a lamp to the best standard possible lamps are to be displayed well and enjoyed :)

^^ Yes and agreed!

I've already packed about 150 lamps and haven't even started on the Midnights, Wizards, or Starships...  This is going to be one HELLUVA cool room!  (pun intended)

I'm looking forward at getting my lava display room started soon.

Most are packed waiting for me to find the right home.

After searching for homes for few weeks, I'm coming to the conclusion I may have to build after all

Only thing out on display are Mathmos, Wizards, and few custom Metallics

Yesterday, I discovered "Someone:" dented my brand new Mathmos Teslstar and didn't tell me.

It is hard to find good help these days

Kelly said:

I've already packed about 150 lamps and haven't even started on the Midnights, Wizards, or Starships...  This is going to be one HELLUVA cool room!  (pun intended)

I would not personally trust the shelf. It looks like it can't hold much weight since the bracket does not extend the full width of the shelf. I usually want a shelf that holds 50-80 pounds at a minimum depending on how many lamps I will put on it. 

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