Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I've been scouring for another to add my my collection.  I came across the VAT19 and I really love the commercial on the website.

Has anyone had experience with it?  Is it a quality lamp?  They're currently sold out but claim to be getting some back soon.


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Hi Glenn, from looking at the website and item description. I could be wrong, but in my opinion I think it’s just a website “vat19” redistributing/selling the “Chinese grande lava lamp”. They say in the description made by original lava lamp company, which I believe means the company that Outsourced to China. Also, I’m unsure if they are being truthful with the item description saying they are hand blown glass globes, as they are probably confused themselves, that the glass globes are machine made in China as grande lamps are. I don’t know for sure about my opinion, but those are my observations as a lava lamp collector. If they really are USA made/hand blown glass, then I would be interested also, wonder if we can email them and ask.

Ps.. near the bottom of the page it says “buy now on Amazon” the link goes to a grande lamp, which leads me to believe my predictions were right. Hope that sheds some insight.

Its a grande

It's a big lamp, it flows better than some cheapo 14" Walmart special due to the sheer volume

You can order directly from Lava Lamp with a 20% discount ONLY if you wish to design your own lamp style labeled "Custom Cool", which makes it cheaper than the standard Yellow wax / purple liquid they have available

Also includes free shipping 


Thanks Andy and Claude for the replies.  I tend to think it may be Chinese made as well.

ill ask these questions  in the discussion on the site.

think I may go with the one Claude posted though.  Nice!

I thinking on ordering a few glitter ones for my Pink Floyd series

Custom Cools are $10 cheaper than the regular ones and you can pick and choose

They are Chinese but seem to flow well

the issue is cloudiness but LL will stand behind them

Yeah the custom cool lamps are pretty neat and I kind of wanted to buy a blk base/cap yellow liq/ red wax custom cool grande as it is such an unusual color combination but they have been out of stock for several months. Maybe due to Lavalite selling the company a second time to LifeSpan...

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