Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

How would 70% SLES compare to MT surfactant in terms of the amount I have to use? I know the amount approximately to aim for of MT surf in a grande, but I ran out and bought some 70% SLES and I'm trying to gauge how much of it to add in it's place.

Tonight I'm going to experiment adding about the same amount, but I'd like some input in case this fails, and I'll update if it does work.

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I find the quantity used varies a lot per manufacturer

Even with MT Surfactant which I use used a general guide.

I use a couple of ounces for Grandes and add few inches of distilled water, Shake vigorously and dump it out and add clean distilled water @1/2 way and then goo.

Once it's running you can slowly tweak it to the flow you want

Too little it's one big glob lying at the bottom and it won't release

Too much and it all bubbles

I add a few ounces at a time every 20 min with diluted with distilled water and watch it until it changes to the flow you want.

(Nice to have your TV nearby your work station as this process can take an entire evening)

If you add too much and it looks like a cheap Cina lamp with all bubbles of goo, simply remove some fluid and replace with virgin distilled water and start all over

If you can to use the MT guide, Here it is:Average%20Surfactant%20amount%20according%20to%20globe%20size%20are...

Thanks, I did some experimenting myself already, I found that the same amount of 70% SLES was too much, and then my adjustments lead to there being too little. I was also disappointed to find that my SLES must have some small hairs and particles in it. I'm thinking of buying some pure SLS and making my own solution.

Yes MT has some issues a while back with air filtrations and everything, including Goo got contaminated

I used to buy straight surf son Ebay then experimented with this stuff from Dollar General

It seems to work fine and has little additives

Tetrasodium EDTA is a water-Softener ingredient 

Sodium Chloride is simple NACL=Salt to assist in flotation by changing the specific gravity of the water heavier.

Cocamidopropyl betaine is used as a foam booster in shampoos.-Not an issue

Oh! BTY, a bottle is only $1.00

I'll go down to my dollar store, but I don't really have my hopes up that we have the same brand in Canada.

I'm not using MT surf right now, I'm using SLES I picked up on a Canadian website. I did have problems with one batch of MT surf having all kinds of things in it including dead bugs, but I also had a great batch that I used up until now, but I've used it up and have been looking for alternatives. I tried a number of soaps and shampoos (including the tea tree shampoo) that had SLES as the first ingredient, but found them to be cloudy.

On top of being slightly contaminated, this 70% SLES is VERY viscous, its a gelly and not a liquid meaning I have to use heated water to add it, and thats just another step in the already time consuming process of custom lamps.

It would be nice if I could find the product you mention above, I'll give it a try, however the SLES I have right now isnt nearly as bad as the contaminated MT surf I had.

I think this is a spin=off replica of a Palmolive product

I have looked at several dollar general stores for that Visibly Clean surf and cannot fine it anywhere.

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