Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate


Hello everyone, I know many of you are on the hunt or know of someone on the hunt for replacement fiber optics for their Fantasia lamp. Look no further!! As you all may or may not know already. I am currently in the process of making replacement glass fiber optic sprays. These will be identical to the original Fantasia sprays. I am overwhelmed with pre-orders and will most likely have a supply and demand issue on my hands at first, so I will do my best to have enough on hand when I begin selling them to go around. The first sprays that will be rolling out will be for the Sunburst 4000 model, Cosmos 5000 model, Regency 4001 model. All previous model Fantasia lamps, Cuda etc will have replacements as I make them available. These I hope to have ready by early to mid summer.

The large fiber optic sprays that will first be available, will be available in two lengths. The first one being a 14" spray that when inserted will hang and display its ends about mid globe on a Sunburst 4000.
The second length spray will be 18" long and is generally seen on the Black Sunburst 4000 model "Egg Shape" But will fit the Chrome and gold model Sunburst 4000 model lamps also.

The Cosmos lamp will need a measurement specific spray tailored for a exact fit within the lamp, essentialy the 14" spray should fit with no problems however I would not mind some feedback on the length of the fiber optic spray from a Cosmos 5000 model. "Measure from the ferrule to the end tips of the fibers, I know multiple sprays were used on the Cosmos, some shorter than others, just reply to this discussion with the measurements, please and thank you! :-)

These fiber optic sprays are in no way easy to make and will be made by hand and not in a factory, the cost of materials, especially the glass fiber optics is a bit pricy, the work and the process that goes into getting a spray fully assembled from start to finish with a haircut takes a bit of time. The price tag on these sprays will be most likely in the neighborhood of $100-125 each, that will be determined when they are made available for sale. I am a quality person and will make the price tag worth it's cost. I know you all know these sprays are not available anywhere unless you purchase another lamp somewhere and snag it's spray for a replacement.

keep your eyes peeled on ebay for these sprays as this will be where I will be hosting them for sale first as where I also have many other Fantasia related replacement parts for sale, color wheels etc. I will also give a heads up to you all on here prior to me listing them on ebay. Reply to this thread to give me an idea of how many "goo members" alone I will be helping out with sprays. I look forward in helping many of you get your vintage Fantasia lamps back!!
As a heads up I WILL NOT be offering "Heat Formed" replacement sprays as the process in doing this is very involved and requires special techniques and equipment I do not have access to, perhaps down the road when the lighting business I am trying to get launched is successfully up and running.

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I have the silver model lamp and I would love ti purchase a spray for my lamp! please get back to me with a price! :)

Hi, this is so great!  It looks as if you are no longer doing this but I"m REALLY hoping I can get you to consider making one more.  I'm really hoping I can convince you to make one for me.  Please let  me know if there's some dollar amount that might motivate you. 

Thanks for your question, you are correct in assuming I am done making these sprays. Lots of reasons really, they are easy enough to get assembled, i could make dozens of them. The bigger issue is the haircut which is the most important part and the most dangerous part due to the small pieces of cut fiber optics flying about everywhere  during the trimming process and as hard as i tried i just could not get the haircut right and ended up discarding many of these. All of my fiber optics I disposed of when I moved to florida and have not attempted it again. I dont have any supplies to give it a shot to make you one. And there is a lot that goes into doing this. You have to order a large quantity of fiber optics at one time. If I could get someone who could perfect the haircut we could pump these out in the dozens, unfortunately thats not going to happen im afraid. I had two of my hairdresser friends try it, we got close but not what I would be happy with selling to everyone. Im sorry to deliver that disappointing news to ya.

Erika Lamoureaux said:

Hi, this is so great!  It looks as if you are no longer doing this but I"m REALLY hoping I can get you to consider making one more.  I'm really hoping I can convince you to make one for me.  Please let  me know if there's some dollar amount that might motivate you. 

Aw shoot. That's too bad.  The idea of getting a hairdresser to help is brilliant, if that didn't work then that's really too bad.  Sigh.  If I ever hear of someone that has perfected the hair cut, maybe I'll try to hook the two of you up...you could both make some money and make the world of Fantasia light lovers a happier place.  Thank you for your fast response.  

Hey I realize you are not doing this anymore, but I am in the process of doing some research to make a replacement spray for one of my lamps. I remember reading someone one here had actually gotten in touch with one of the original designers or a person who was very close in the development and production of the lamp. As I recall, this person had acquired some 'trade secrets' of the process behind spray creation. I was wondering if that was by chance you, and if so if it would be possible to get some insight into whatever information you gleaned from your talks with one of the designers. If I am in the wrong thread no worries...but any information you have would be highly appreciated!

you can go here and get one

You may have to build up the base collet size with some tape or heat shrunk because the size is a tad smaller than Fantasia


Yes, that was me! I have all of the communication uploaded between me and Mr. George Stadnick on here somewhere. I can pretty much sum up the process to getting a spray made right up until it's haircut. Be prepared too shell out about $750 for a run of glass fiber optics. You can't buy what you need to make one. This would make about 30-40 sprays. You will also need a work environment that is open and clean, you will need a jumpsuit with ear and eye protection to protect you from the small microscopic pieces of flying glass during trimming. They get everywhere!! That is of course if you are able to develop something like mr stadnik had suggested to me that would require little to no trimming art all. 

Hand Banana said:

Hey I realize you are not doing this anymore, but I am in the process of doing some research to make a replacement spray for one of my lamps. I remember reading someone one here had actually gotten in touch with one of the original designers or a person who was very close in the development and production of the lamp. As I recall, this person had acquired some 'trade secrets' of the process behind spray creation. I was wondering if that was by chance you, and if so if it would be possible to get some insight into whatever information you gleaned from your talks with one of the designers. If I am in the wrong thread no worries...but any information you have would be highly appreciated!

This sounds great!  I’d like 3.

Sure hope these glass replacement sprays are available soon.  I'm in need of about 20 myself. 


If anyone has any for sale?

As long as they are complete,  not missing so many,  that there are holidays all over. 

Anyone who has these vintage Fantasia lamps,  knows exactly what I'm talking about. 

Thanks everyone,  for your time. 


In California. 

Are these available now the replacements for the light, I need one, let me know

Please look back in the comments section of this thread these were going to be replacement fiber optics but I had to throw in the towel with my efforts on the project because I could not get the haircuts right I was able to assemble them up to that point. I wish I could have gotten the haircuts down because I would have made these all day and night. I'm sorry for those of you who were interested

Look back about 10 pages you can buy the sprays for the 4000 from a guy in germany they are for the pyrofag lamps they are glass fibers i sold a lot of them a few years ago they are NOS made in the 70's

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