I am trying to find an old friend of mine on here . His name is Micheal and he lives in Kennasaw GA I think. I dont remember his screen name but he had a LOT of lamps :) Worked at Publix I think. Can anyone help me with his screen name ? Thanks and glad to be back on here, Been a while.
I believe your referring to the Electric Cowboy? He use to be my friend on myspace but vanished like a year and a half ago. Its to bad certain members just vanish without a trace, but he's been gone for a long time.
Yea he was a good guy, he sold me my red elek-trick lamp. Its one of the best globes I have actually. But so many people have come and gone over the years.
Yea he outbid me many times on the Haze Lamps. I think he and a few old timers left the site to do the NING network. But I'll tell ya one thing I'm glad a few of the old people left I bucked heads with some of them ;)