Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

So I bought an MSR filter a while back to filter out my lamps. It wasn't working for me. It kept on getting clogged, and I was filtering Grande, so you can imagine how annoying it was to stop and have to clean it out every 500ml. So recently I purchased a Büchner funnel filtration kit to do my filtering for my other lamps. I want to clean out the MSR, so I can use it when I go hiking. So does anyone know how to clean it out to get it back to water consumption use? Would it be advisable to even use it again for drinking?

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You could clean the unit itself really good and just replace the ceramic filter I guess.  Or just spend the 100 on a new one for piece of mind. Just my 2 cents 

I'm trying to see if boiling the ceramic filter will do the trick. If not I'll just buy another one. They're like a $25 on Amazon. I bought the thing used for $60 but the ceramic filter itself is still pretty thick. 

Also, when I used these things in the Corps we would use a green scouring pad to remove the top layer of ceramic whenever it clogged.  Removing the top layer of ceramic "renewed" the filter for further use. You could do this a few times before the filter was completely trashed.  You could try this method as well. 

Yeah, boiling it and scrubbing it didn't remove the soapy taste. I'll just go ahead and by a new filter for it and a maintenance kit. Thanks anyways, and thanks for your service  

My pleasure. Best job I ever had

Michael Strong said:

Yeah, boiling it and scrubbing it didn't remove the soapy taste. I'll just go ahead and by a new filter for it and a maintenance kit. Thanks anyways, and thanks for your service  

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