Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

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At 10:15am on May 14, 2021, L Allen said…

Good day. I'm new to this page. I saw that you repaired a Fantasia lamp. I have one where the motor that turns the fiber optics and color wheel needs to be replaced. Do you have any suggestions or know where I could possibly get it replaced? Or even find a motor for the lamp? And I probably will need to paint the color wheel. Thank you for your assistance.

At 5:59pm on January 11, 2020, Dillon neimiller said…

Do you know of any colossus lamps for sale 

At 1:03pm on November 10, 2017, Donna Newton said…

do you still make sprays for the Fantasia lamps?

At 9:58am on March 26, 2017, Zachary said…
hi i have a sunburst 4000 that sheds like crazy and has thinned out quite alot. do you still make replacement sprays?
At 11:50am on August 16, 2016, Lane said…
I am trying to find a replacement plume for my Fantasia lamp. Do you sell them or have any recommendations? Have looked everywhere to avail.
At 7:40pm on March 5, 2016, r d said…
I ran across this article after buying a fantasia alpha 1050. Any luck on replacement sprays?
At 8:36am on September 19, 2015, Kaylie said…
Are you still making these?
At 12:33pm on August 22, 2015, Kr_Krassow said…
Hey sport, you have any luck with making the fiber optic sprays?
At 8:57pm on December 13, 2014, RayosBeam said…

Beautiful Lamps

At 7:45am on August 13, 2014, Peter HIrschberg said…

Hello! I heard you make replacement color wheels for the Fantasia Cosmic 5000. Do you still sell these? How can I purchase one?

At 11:33am on March 19, 2014, Omnasia said…
Hello again,

I am waiting on that invoice for the color wheel for a chrome sunburst and motors for the black sunburst.

Drop me line and we can move this forward. I would love to see what other color wheels you have.

At 12:33am on August 9, 2013, Jeff Meyers said…

very cool light

At 4:28pm on March 26, 2012, Gwen Williams said…

Welcome to Oozing Goo, add a pic, join a group and say howdy in the chat! Please do have a look through our Lava Library, it may answer many of your questions before you even think of them


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