Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate


I’ve changed the master fluid on one of my lamps and have found that while balancing the density, the master fluid clouds up once things get flowing like they should. I’ve seen small bubbles pop in the wax and there seems to be a smoky substance that streams out from the popped bubbles. 

I have used about 70% P.G. And 30% water. And only a small amount of SLS to coat the globe before pouring wax in. Anybody else ever have this problem? At this point I have to say I’ve had better luck with epsom salt water….

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try glycerin? it's much denser than pg so you don't need to add as much to balance it

You need to dissolve your PG into water in equal parts. Adding it to the lamp directly will cause it to cloud.

exactly what both members said above

Density goes like this

Propylene glycol
PEG 300
PEG 400

You can also buy premix on my site

Tested in several pre-2003 globes

Ah dissolving the P.G. In water in equal parts! Cool, I’ll put that in my notes. 

Thanks wonderful people!

Well, I made strange experiences years ago when trying to rebuild a cloudy Astro with new fluid, containing of water and glycerine.

Resulted in a totally different appearance, it changed the surface of the wax dramatically, and not for the better. Reminded me of some kind of hard cheese like peccorino.

The problem is,.. You used exclusively Glycerine.
Mathmos uses Triton X and other SURFs for proper balance and stretch
The type and chemical properties of each SURFactant make a big difference in flow and gloss

Peter Panussi said:

Well, I made strange experiences years ago when trying to rebuild a cloudy Astro with new fluid, containing of water and glycerine.

Resulted in a totally different appearance, it changed the surface of the wax dramatically, and not for the better. Reminded me of some kind of hard cheese like peccorino.

Sounds plausible, was one of my first tries. I bought a lot of cheap, cloudy bottles and began experimenting, and the glycerine bottle was one of the greatest fails.

Not sure if I used any surfactant at that time, eventually I bought a bottle of sodium laureth sulfate 

Well, I mixed about 70/30 with water and PG and this time it worked quite well. Thanks again! 

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