Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I bought a clear view lamp off marketplace for $5. The master fluid was extremely cloudy and the goo was chunky and would not flow. I heated the lamp and poured out the goo with the master fluid. I'm left with an empty globe with goo stuck all on the sides. What would be an efficient way to clean this out? I know the globes and light bulbs for these in particular are different than your standard lamp. I normally only collect the pre 2003 lamps, but this one isn't one I see I the wild ever. For $5 I took a gamble.

Any advise would be super helpful!

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Hi Courtney. Claude Johnson of LavaLab Creations mapped it all out for you (scroll down to cleaning a globe). It's easy...just take your time. Good luck.


Thank you Denny!

Hello Courtney
We also sell a specific chemical for cleaning difficult globes
works much better than Dwn and doesn't suds up as much

denny mcnerney said:

Hi Courtney. Claude Johnson of LavaLab Creations mapped it all out for you (scroll down to cleaning a globe). It's easy...just take your time. Good luck.


Thank you both so much! Yes fingers crossed! :)

Your welcome
glad to be of assistance
All the best

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