Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Found this while I was reading the news today - thought you all might like to check it out.


As cool as the site is, I would rather have a vBulletin (or similar) forum. Handles and searches much better. As for everything else, I love it :)

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Yup. if Ning was smart - they would allow 3rd party forums to integrate into the "community". I don't see that happening though. I also am not a fan of having all this work and information on a "free" service that one day, just might disappear along with all the info and work with it.

That is scary!
I agree. I think Ning has finally heard enough on this and is preparing a Forum that matches the traditional format. I'm not sure when it is coming out, but I will certainly switch over to that format as soon as it is available to me.

That being said, this format does allow for far more interaction between members, and self expression too which I dig because I love checking out people's profiles and pictures of their lamps.




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