Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hey everyone!
I finally got around to one of my pet projects that has been on my to do list: the ebay tabs with drop down menus. check them out at the top. basically, there are preloaded search phrases that link directly into ebay (either US or UK), OG gets a small commission if anything is bought after clicking thru. These commissions will help pay for the always increasing hosting fees. I appreciate any use of them. :-)

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That's a cool feature you have added
Thanks everyone! I've been wanting to do that forever and finally got around to it.
Thanks for navigating thru here, that is cool. And to answer Bohdan's question, yep, OG gets credit for ANYTHING purchased, not just lava lamps.
Astro (or anyone else),
Is there any other phrase that you request. I'm at the maximum number on the us tab, but can add some on the uk tab. If you have a killer idea, i can switch out one of the us searches.

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