Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Does Glycerin work as a surfactant? Or is it only to change water density? Cause i've allways thought it was only to change water density ..

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It's really only to change the water densty its not a surfulant as it dosent contain surfacents which brake down the wax.

Okay its just that i've read somewher  around here that it can also be used as a Surfactant.. And if thats the case, i would know why my lamp doesnt seem to be able to make the long stretchy columns after i have changed the liquid..

Most def has surf qualities, helps no sticking as a pre-rinse b4 u pour wax, coat the coil, worked great on my glitter redo/jus about tried it all wuzabt2quit

good luck-

Pure glycerine is not surf as its just glycerine but glycerine has lubricatecing properties which helps the wax not sticking (that's probably what makes soap do this as it contains glycerine).

What lamp are you talking about when you say it doesn't behave the way it used to - if you changed the master fluid / the formula then this will be why.

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