Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

16" green Luminglas

I'm typically a super bargain hunter but I wanted one of these bad and paid a reasonable market price.  I narrowly missed out on a rare magenta one I should have snagged so I've been seriously on the hunt lately.  A lot of sunburst (amber) and blue ones have come up but I really wanted green to also feed my Star Trek hunger. 

Even though I paid a reasonable market price, this one was listed as blue and 12" which kept the price down and the competition at a minimum.  I saw in the listing photos it was indeed green so I snatched it up.  I wanted a boxed one but the price was reasonable so what the heck.  When it arrived it was well packaged but filthy with dust and finger prints.  As I was cleaning it up it dawned on me it sure seemed bigger than 12 inches and sure enough it is the more rare and typically noticeably more expensive 16 inch version.  So I guess I got a bargain in the end anyway! 

My small plasma collection is growing and I have almost all of the items I really want to get.  Just one more area to cover, Lava Lightning 2 lamps!

Love this thing!  It is missing the little ball feet but I'll figure something else out to help keep it stable.  I'll probably make a small wooden base and paint it black.  I used to be an avid woodworker so it shouldn't be too hard to whip something up.

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Love it!

I am missing the feet on mine too Rich :(
I was thinking some super balls routered out to the same thickness would work, probably better than stock, they were always loose and would slowly slip up anyways. Joanne suggested rubber tubing, cut and wrapped around the circumference would be cool too, clear might even lend some cool UV properties :)

Nice plate!

I was playing with the Auto/Manual switch and the knobs just now and I was pleasantly surprised at all the different functions and patterns this thing can make.  I've never seen photos of anything but the typical lightning bolts as in the photo I posted above.  This thing can really do some interesting things!

The green is really cool and what I wanted, but I sure wish I had scored that magenta one!  Just don't see those very often and it is such a pleasing color.

I might just have to buy one of the small battery operated ones for the office.

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