Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate


After months of work and investment into research, development, and equipment...
Our Website officially went live tonight
Please go visit and signup for our mailing list

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Nice :) thanks for the note!

I'd like to personally thank everyone for your orders.
Within the first 24 hours of opening our website, we experienced $1,370 in orders. With more daily
We apologize for the delay in shipments but sometimes things don't always go as scheduled.
Our chemical ingredients didn't arrive until Monday the 3rd. I was told they were set for delivery on April 28th. The shipper had the wrong address for some reason.
Once it arrived, we had to modify the recipe to accommodate the particular batch (as always needed since what ingredient % you order is not always what is manufactured and delivered)
Compound the fact that anyone that ordered a dye, is also delayed further as we found out the base media we used for the dye mix was modifying the density of the wax and making it lighter. We strive for perfection.
So,. we had to go through all the colors of waxes and test them for proper specific gravity and were still working on that through last weekend.
We have had little to no sleep for the last week.
All orders are ready to ship today, 5/11, and will be hand-delivered to UPS and USPS
Due to these unexpected delays, I have included a personalized FREE GIFT with all orders.

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