Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Look at what was in our driveway when we came home
No more supply chain issues,
No more last-minute substitutions.
We overbought 55gal of the special chem we need to make Goo.
We now have Chems and wax now in stock to make 160 gallons of special wax
(its also black-light sensitive)

Also bought a new scale so larger batches will be consistent

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This is so cool!

I just received some wax and dye today, is this part of the same batch? I'd love some uv reactive wax ...

Cannot tell  by usernames

It's doubtful since we are refining the formula to get the proper flow from a 14" to a grande, before making a Large batch. large lamps seem to be no issue

Gotcha. I originally bought a quart of wax from you off of eBay before I knew about your website and then I found the website so jackpot. Probably going to order surfactant soon didn't notice how low I was. The wax and green dye I ordered from you just showed up yesterday so that's why I was wondering if it's the same stuff as the UV sensitive stuff mentioned above.

Order #1072

Our surfactant is the expensive kind (SLES) with a low cloud point

I'll be sending out announcements when the new formula is available

It is WHITE shows up more under a blacklight but not as good as our fluorescent blue dye

MacRanium said:

Gotcha. I originally bought a quart of wax from you off of eBay before I knew about your website and then I found the website so jackpot. Probably going to order surfactant soon didn't notice how low I was. The wax and green dye I ordered from you just showed up yesterday so that's why I was wondering if it's the same stuff as the UV sensitive stuff mentioned above.
I was pretty much fixing to toss the grandes and other foggy lamps I had acquired until I found your site which lead me to this forum.

Glad to hear it
Love to hear that some lamps are being saved

We are working on having Grande-sized restore kits in inventory soon

They take a whole quart

You can see the flow here: https://imgur.com/a/GpCc5aP

MacRanium said:

I was pretty much fixing to toss the grandes and other foggy lamps I had acquired until I found your site which lead me to this forum.
I still have a bunch of wax plus what I ordered last week. I'm doing a lot of experimenting with different amounts of dye and I'm even trying to get a 11" lamp going but it may be a lost cause at this point. Either way I've become obsessed. My wife comes home to me "cooking another damn lava lamp" pretty much every day. I've sequestered a whole corner of my kitchen for lava chems and experimentation.

Been there,"
Here is the proof from several years ago

Helpful Link for home lava labs

MacRanium said:

I still have a bunch of wax plus what I ordered last week. I'm doing a lot of experimenting with different amounts of dye and I'm even trying to get a 11" lamp going but it may be a lost cause at this point. Either way I've become obsessed. My wife comes home to me "cooking another damn lava lamp" pretty much every day. I've sequestered a whole corner of my kitchen for lava chems and experimentation.

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