Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hello –


I wanted to update you on the latest, inner-workings of LAVA.  If you would like to order direct in the next month, please use the first attachment as reference.  All products on that list are in stock, and ready to order.


Beginning July 1st, however, Schylling will be our exclusive distributor to the toy/gift market.  At that time, all product will be bought through their excellent sales staff.  I’ve been working closely with Schylling.  They are great people, who understand the product, and respond quickly to their customers.  I’ve attached a letter (with information about the transition) and how to open an account.  Also, Schylling’s catalog, detailing the product they will be carrying.


I have to get on my other computer to bring up the attachments.

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LOL, Bohdan's day has been made!
Hey Matt do you have these attachments?

Explain, Vixen...


Can't don't remeber what I'd been replying to, from Bohdan :(
its was something about this company for LL that was known for making robots or something.
correct Doctor, this company made robots that look vintage.
... likely made in China.

Sir Kempton of the consort said:
correct Doctor, this company made robots that look vintage.

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