Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

patrick wood

Patrick wood's Friends

  • LavaLover
  • andy ross
  • Adara

patrick wood's Discussions

liquid wax
15 Replies

I have a MK1 crestworth lamp with liquid wax, is it possible to top up the wax or should I leave it alone.thanks.Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by patrick wood Feb 8.

vintage lamp
4 Replies

I have a 1963 Astro with orange liquid oil, unfortunately although the oil rises when heated it tends to stick to the top or neck of the bottle and only drops down when its gone cold. Any help and…Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by patrick wood Apr 9, 2018.

25 Replies

The water in the lamps, is it the same for all crestworth lamps or does change depending on the age and type of wax, for example would the water used in my 1963 mk1 lamp that has the liquid wax be…Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by Peter Panussi Jun 27, 2017.


patrick wood's Page

Latest Activity

patrick wood replied to patrick wood's discussion liquid wax
"Slight error, the Mk2 is in fact a Mk1 with solid red wax, so both Mk1s, one red liquid wax and one red solid wax."
Feb 8
patrick wood updated their profile
Feb 8
patrick wood is now friends with Adara and LavaLover
Jan 16
mr colin a scott replied to patrick wood's discussion liquid wax
"my mk0  and m2 and 3 left to right"
Jan 16
mr colin a scott replied to patrick wood's discussion liquid wax
"my mk0  and mk 2 and 3 left to right"
Jan 16
patrick wood replied to patrick wood's discussion liquid wax
"Not a great photo, but I hope it helps"
Jan 16
patrick wood replied to patrick wood's discussion liquid wax
Jan 16
patrick wood replied to patrick wood's discussion liquid wax
"Hi, I will fire them up later and post the photos,  the liquid wax has a 25w bulb, if I use the MK2 base with the 40w bulb it heats up to quickly and could possible over heat. As for the traction engine, yes they can be a pain in the butt."
Jan 16
andy ross replied to patrick wood's discussion liquid wax
"that's nice! I had several Tractions, they are tricky to set up, but really cool... it's difficult to see the liquid element, it would be nice to see it flowing - does it flow in a shorter time? Re friends/PM, when you are signed in, the…"
Jan 16
patrick wood replied to patrick wood's discussion liquid wax
"From left to right,  1964 MK2 with solid wax, middle 1963 MK1 with liquid wax, Mk2 traction engine"
Jan 16
patrick wood replied to patrick wood's discussion liquid wax
Jan 16
andy ross replied to patrick wood's discussion liquid wax
"you are quite right - it was a friend request, you need to accept before PMs work i'm no good at this stuff..."
Jan 15
patrick wood replied to patrick wood's discussion liquid wax
"Hi, will try to upload some photos of the two lamps, one is MK1 liquid wax the other is MK1or MK2 solid wax, thanks"
Jan 15
patrick wood replied to patrick wood's discussion liquid wax
"Hi, sorry have not received the PM. thanks"
Jan 15
andy ross replied to patrick wood's discussion liquid wax
"PM sent"
Jan 14
patrick wood replied to patrick wood's discussion liquid wax
"Hi, thanks for your input, I will take your advise and leave it as it is, the lamp works perfectly but would benefit from a touch more wax, I have had it for years its never failed to work, not sure if I should eBay it as the wife hates it. thanks"
Jan 14

Profile Information

Something Interesting About Me:
retro fan
Where I Live:
My First Lava Lamp was:
1965 mk2 crestworth
My Collection Includes this many Lava Lamps:
1963 mk1 with the original liquid wax, 1964 mk1 with solid wax, 1965 mk2 with solid wax
My Favorite Lava Lamp is:
1963 mk1 crest worth lava lamp original liquid wax

Collection update, what I thought was a Mk2 is not it is in fact a Mk1 with solid wax, so the two I have left are Mk1 with liquid wax, Mk1 with solid wax both red wax.

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At 9:20pm on June 19, 2017, Modulo '70 said…
Hi Patrick. A very warm welcome to you from a fellow U.K. Crestworth and Mathmos fan. I've also a Mk 1, Mk 2 etc. Love my Astros.


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