Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I have a MK1 crestworth lamp with liquid wax, is it possible to top up the wax or should I leave it alone.


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These are almost impossible to top up - the exact ingredients aren't known, but they are pretty toxic - personally I would leave well alone - but I confess I'm a teeny bit jealous - my MK1 was completely shot and I had to re-goo

Hi, thanks for your input, I will take your advise and leave it as it is, the lamp works perfectly but would benefit from a touch more wax, I have had it for years its never failed to work, not sure if I should eBay it as the wife hates it.


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andy ross said:

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Hi, will try to upload some photos of the two lamps, one is MK1 liquid wax the other is MK1or MK2 solid wax,


you are quite right - it was a friend request, you need to accept before PMs work

i'm no good at this stuff...

From left to right,  1964 MK2 with solid wax, middle 1963 MK1 with liquid wax, Mk2 traction engine

that's nice! I had several Tractions, they are tricky to set up, but really cool...

it's difficult to see the liquid element, it would be nice to see it flowing - does it flow in a shorter time?

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(No offence to the vast majority of site users... but scammers are a fact of life here too... )

Hi, I will fire them up later and post the photos,  the liquid wax has a 25w bulb, if I use the MK2 base with the 40w bulb it heats up to quickly and could possible over heat. As for the traction engine, yes they can be a pain in the butt.

Not a great photo, but I hope it helps

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