Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

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  • Medford, MA
  • United States

Baslotto's Discussions

Floating foamy Goo problem
14 Replies

Hello everyone.I bought my first 20 oz. lavalamp 2 days ago.I have a little issue with it and I want to know if it's normal or if I have a defective product.After I bought it I put it in boiling…Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by Casey Haldeman Nov 21, 2009.


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At 3:18pm on November 19, 2009, Jeff Cross said…
Dear Baslotto

The method I used was based on the method at http://www.moltenmeditation.com/lava.htm, I suggest you read this carefully as I employed this method with the instuctions below.

After emptying my lamp (once cold and wax stuck to bottom) I used a paper towel pushed through the hole with the wooden sick (we call them Kebab sticks here in Australia you put food on them - look like giant toothpicks) to clean the inside of the lava lamp. This worked exceptionally well with some washing up detergent on the paper towel and pushed against the inside of the glass with the kebab stick. Once I had done this I carefully rinsed out all of the detergent as it mixes with you wax and makes smaller bubbles. This is a process for later on (adding detergent I mean).

I then refilled with claen water, heated the wx and waited until I got some movement. It looked terrible with some of the wax floating and the rest stuck to the bottom so I added some of the salt solution until it began to rise and a couple of drops of detergent until it began to break up. I was then confronted with a bunch of wax not moving at the top. I think this will inevitably happen however I decided to get rid of this wax and I did so by putting the wooden spike into it and wiping it onto a tissue until I got rid of the burnt bits (you may not have these) and the lighter wax particles. This took some time and obviously you need to have the lid off for all the these instrcutions. Don't do with kids or clumsy adults around as water and electricity dont mix that well. Take you time, be patient. Eventually I got all of the floating bits and the remaing particles became part of the floating masses (although separate at first).

I cooled the lamp (turned it off) emptied the water and rinsed again. then went through the process all over again (I cleaned the sides again as I had missed some the first time but you will probably not have this problem). After refilling and adding salt solution and two drops of detergent I just added some more detergent, a drop at a time (with a 10 minute break in between) to see how the bubbles were looking. Eventually they became exatly what I was looking for.

After this I added 1 drop of red food colouring (doesnt matter what colour you choose only add 1 at a time), then waited 10 minutes to see how it looked. NB: I added three the first time and had to empty again - so only add 1 at a time (will depend on your food colouring how many drops you eventually add). NB you can't take the drops out - so if you want to mix colours (obviously you will need 2 drops at least) you can do one of two things: 1) mix in a larger glass container and when you get the colour right use that water to fill your lamp or 2) when you rinse the lamp and are happy refill it one last time and put that into a suitable glass containr and test the colour in that. Option 1 is better because you don't have to worry about quantities.

The most important thing is be patient, and when you go to add more detergent or salt solution wait an extra 5 minutes to be sure it 's not going to push the solution over the edge (I did use a straw to remove solution when I had added too much salt then replaced with plain water).

Hope this all help


PS: My lamp is better than ever
At 6:28pm on November 18, 2009, Modulo '70 said…
Hi Baslotto and a warm welcome to Oozing Goo the lava lamp syndicate. Why not tell us more about yourself and your interest in the lava scene. It would be nice to know. With over 1600 worldwide members here, you're bound to get some assistance you may need on various lava lamp issues/queries and of course, check out some of the great lava lamp collections on display here and some great pictures/videos too. There's always plenty of other cool stuff on other funky lighting and lamps as well.

Don't forget the chat function to interact with your fellow lava fans here too!

Kind regards

Alpha Centauri


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