Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

What do I do? I just accidentally bumped my 1999 Lava Lite and the top goo broke up into a million pieces.

Turn it off or leave it running? No cloudiness, but there are 10000 little blobs all over the place now.


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Will do! Thanks for the advice.
Turn it off.
It's off! Been off for several hours now.

Gah! I felt so stupid!
You should - stupid. Hehe j/k :)

Honestly, I have never bumped one.
LOL I have it right next to my monitor at work.

I'm very clumsy. I was actually thinking about how I'd break my first one last night. It'll happen.
Will do. It looks mostly cleared up now, but there's some pretty tiny bits of goo towards the top. Thanks for the tip Bohdan.
That's nothing...I DROPPED my first USA globe when it was hot! Thank God it hit the carpet.

I thought the world had ended for about three weeks but because it is a USA, it bounced back into shape. But it looked like a strawberry smoothie fer awhile there.
LOL! Good to know they can recover. ;)
i think you should turn it on and let it run for three days with a 100 watt bulb then shake that s.o.b. as hard as you can

oh... wait a minute. you asked about fixing one, not screwing one up.
a few years ago we did a shake test on a lamp that ran 24/7 at walmart,
every saturday night we would give it a shake.....by the next saturday night it was flowing fine.....

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