Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

As some of you know I recently got 3 excaliburs. Each is a little more cloudy than the other.

Here are the 3 excaliburs I got. From left to right... The first one is very slightly cloudy but it still looks good. The second one isnt cloudy but it has "smoke" that flows around in the liquid with the lava. The third one is so cloudy you can barely see the lava flowing.

I am happy with the first lamp. I dont know about the middle one, it looks just like smoke flowing around in the lamp and I dont know if that will go away. The third lamp I think I will redo with a goo kit or dump some lava world lamps into it but I need to get enough lamps to fill it and decide on a color. I dont think the third lamp is savable.

So to get to my question I would like to know from fellow excalibur owners if these lamps ever clear up. And I would also like to know what method they used. The seller said they were all clear before she shipped them.

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I couldnt find any 75w reflectors so I am using 75w A19 bulbs and they seem to work fine. I let one run from 5pm to 7am and it still seemed to be running fine without any signs of overheating. I only tend to run any of my lamps about 5 or 6 hours so I dont worry about overheating my lamps. I will start cycling them and see how it goes.

How long did it take for yours to clear up?

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