Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

hi guys

ive heard of  things called wife swapping parties, what do you think the chances of swapping mine for a mathmos lunar?

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any pics?
age? weight? s. preferences? send me a pm;)

Does she cook?  Does she clean?  Is she "adventurous"?


This thread truly is worthless without pics.

And does she know about your plans?
How about the running charges? I think I'm better off with a lunar and what can pick up on the side...
Jim said:

Does she cook?  Does she clean?  Is she "adventurous"?


This thread truly is worthless without pics.

hehehehe.... oh crap.. love the laugh


Pics needed, absolutely.

i did try putting her on ebay starting at 99p and postage at a reasonable £3 but i didnt get one watcher or one bid, someone did reply saying that i would have to pay for them to take away, im currently thinking about this


haha thats haliouros - couldent stop laughing


i thought i might of got a bllocking from the mods if i did

James Reiche said:

LOL that is funny.  

You should have used the earlier picture you had for that auction.  :)


LOL She looks fun. I'd get coffee with her. 

krissyfromswindon said:

i did try putting her on ebay starting at 99p and postage at a reasonable £3 but i didnt get one watcher or one bid, someone did reply saying that i would have to pay for them to take away, im currently thinking about this


this is just about the funniest sh... ..I would take her if she can cook Latin food , keep a perfectly clean house.. mow the lawn and wash my truck.  and willing to sleep outside with the cats........lol.

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