Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I am in the process of restoring a Regency model 4202.    The lamp takes about an hour and a half to start flowing good using the 40 watt A-15 bulb that the sticker in the base says it takes.  The lamp will flow 30-40 minutes and then separate from the coil.  I assumed the lamp was over heating, so I used a dimmer the next time I ran the lamp.  It flowed well using the dimmer, but then again the wax separated from the coil.  I removed the coil and cleaned it with Dawn dish detergent, rinsed it well and then put it back in the bottle and let the wax settle back on the coil.  I ran the lamp the next day using the dimmer and same story.  The wax seems to have some kind of white sediment in it when it is melted.  I am thinking this lamp will require a Goo Kit refill.  Any thoughts?  Thanks, Brad

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I dont think the problem is with the formula, its with the coil. All you need to do is put a new coil in the lamp. I am assuming since consorts use the same coil as a 32oz globe a regency should use the same coil from a 52oz globe. So go to spencers and pick up one of the discounted 52oz lamps for the coil. Depending on if any are on sale you will have the lamp fixed for $10-$20.
If a new coil doesn't solve the problem, try adding a bit of distilled water to the globe. That will reduce the density of the liquid which will possibly reduce the tendency of the wax to seperate from the coil.
definitly get a inline dimmer so you can turn down the heat.

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