Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Easiest way would be to see this clip..


It seems to me like the liquid has too heavy, due to all the wax at the top, but then again it also seems dull in its flow.. Wax takes a long time getting up from the bottom, but once it does get up it takes just as long getting down again.. What could be the cause of this ? The only thing i can think of is a wax seperation, but if i turn the lamp off the wax at top does eventually fall down and melt together with the wax at the bottom.. I've tried dimming the lamp, but that only makes it all go even slower..

Any ideas ?

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No one ?

From chatting to you earlier and I said that the formula could be quite high in solvents - this and possible because the lamp is running too hot could be causing this.

The lamp is a china lamp so don't expect things to be amazing but I do understand what you mean - it is strange.

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