Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi gooheads. I just realized that those color changing lava lamps or i should say clear/white lava 52 ouncers with colored globes are nice to transplant to a normal clear globe and then have a oh so desired clear/white. i might be trying this. do you guys think it is worth the trouble?

Also...i have an absolut vodka bottle and a clear/navy blue lava lamp that im thinking about sacrificing and transplanting it into the abolut vodka bottle. any suggestions, tips and or warnings on that? thanks a lot guys =D

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yeah ive thought about that.. i have this spare clear blue tho.. it doesnt really have a nice flow for some reason so i wouldnt mind loosing a lamp.. i mean it could work and then i just end up with a pretty cool absolut vodka lava lamp with not so good of a flow... but if it doesnt then i just loose a lava lamp with a crappy flow
well the bottle says its 1 liter. 1 liter translates to abour 33 ounces or so.. so i gues it would fit. but i am not sure. i was wondering how to do with the coil though! i guess that would be the answer. i have one problem. if i drain the liquid into a container and then heat the wax, melt it and pour it into the absolut bottle how will i rescue the wax that sticks to the sides of the globe while pouring it into the vodka bottle? next step im guessing is let ir harden for hours or overnight and then pour the liquid in?
yeah the wax volume WILL be a problem down there... ill see what i can do.. maybe sacrifice a 52 ouncer.. use all the wax and just enough liquid to top it off... and about the emptying technique. how much liquid should i leave? like half and half? or just enough so that if i were to tilt the globe to the side the liquid still covers it? and wouldnt it cloud the liquid once i pour it into the cold one?
sounds like a plan.. now.. i need help finishing this vodka bottle.. its only 3/4 full! :P
yeah! i have a bad feeling about chugging vodka! but here i come!!!!!!!!! haha just kidding... maybe ill invite some ppl over.. that should do.. i hope no one is too drunk to smash the bottle.. then ill have to go get another one and drink it again...

That reminds me.. i had a REALLY nice smirnoff vodka bottle but i dont know where it went to after it was empty.. it was some smirnoff lime stuff... this is what it looked like.. real nice for a clear green!
true that.. that kinda sucks.. but o well at least i have a blue absolut bottle!

OH! btw i finally got around to buying a 52 oz clear black dude! it should be here by wednesday.. hope it arrives safely! fedex isnt really gentle but we will see... i wonder how many clear ones im missing on the 52 oz range.. how many are there?

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