Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I did the PUR filter treatment on my clear/black globe from Spencers. I have a new globe coming so I figured it would be my test subject. The liquid became nice and clear after the treatment. None was missing either. However here is the problem..

It's not flowing like it use to. Small blobs up and down and all that. It is mostly one or two large blobs that split half way down and they sink. The bottom is mostly one large blob. I am guessing something got fouled up when I did the "purification"? Sometimes it is also one BIG blob that goes up a bit and starts splitting half way down.

What should I do?

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Yes, both lamps. The clear/black is covering the coil find. The clear/red is also covering the coil but is a huge blob at the bottom with a slight rise. Nothing else. It is connected to the coil too. I know it can't be the liquid as two of the lamps I "cleaned" are still flowing.

I have a feeling this red one would not have flowed either way. Sucks because I really like the translucence the red has now.
I just took the coil out and stretched it a bit. Made it a bit bigger. Still not flowing. Still a blob at the bottom that sometimes rises up just a bit. I am at a loss at this point.

Do they put kerosene in the wax? Sure smells oily or something weird about it.

Any help you can give me Bohdan I would appreciate. You are the guru. Would love to get this guy flowing.

EDIT - Update - Ok, there seems to be one large blob that now comes up and detaches about half way then falls back down.
Is it possible that the filter had some tap water left in it when you started filtering? That could have diluted your lamp water and changed the density.
Might be possible. If that is the case how does one fix it?

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