Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

So I just bought my first vintage lava lamp, it was working good but had little blobs of lave floating around, dirty look to the water and an annoying gap. I first opened it up to add a bit more water but the lava just didn't look right so I tried other things salt, alcohol, soap nothing worked. Finally I decide to just drain it and start over. I poured everything out, reheated the wax and poured it back into the glob, its now cooling. I planed to use this recipe for the clear part http://www.finkbuilt.com/blog/lava-repair/, unless you know a better formula? Question is can I go ahead and use the original wax with no problem? or should I use new wax? I am headed out to see if I can find canning salt, distilled water, brake cleaner, and I already have soap.

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Hey very good luck with your lava repairs, it can be tricky so I hope it goes well.
thanks, I am going to experiment now but I was wondering if I bought a new lava lite, could I use the clear liquid with my wax?
I can't see there being a problem with this, you can but try and if it doesn't run then you can pour it back. good luck.
thats what I was think, boy I am learning more about lava lites then I ever wanted to know lol

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