Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

hi guys
i have a lunar that has dark green wax and looks more like it came from shreks swamp, is there anyway i can lighten the color of the wax by say adding white candle wax or will this just bugger it up completly
any help would be greatfully recieved

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adding more wax would just cause the formula to become unballanced. becides, I don't think that is candel wax in there because candel wax has a high temerature melting point. there are different waxes out there that melt at different temps and the stuff in lava lamps is a lower temp wax, you would have to find a type of wax that would have the same density and melting point to do that. I would live with it being darker than to try and add more wax and potentially cause a flow problem. You could find a different globe to sit in it from another lamp.

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